Eodorcadion gorbunovi
Eodorcadion gorbunovi
Eodorcadion gorbunovi
Genus species (Animalia): Eodorcadion gorbunovi
Eodorcadion gorbunovi mongolicum was described (as Neodorcadion) on series of specimens “trouvées en 1893 dans la Mongolie par M.Clemenz”. Jakovlev mentioned the size of one male (17mm) and one female (20mm), but in the text he used several males for description.
Now in Zoologica Institute (St.-Petersburg) three similar males (14.5- 16.5mm) are equiped with original Jakovlev’s red type labels, but all without any geographical label. A female (19.5mm) undoubtedly belongs to syntype series, though has only one original label in Russian [“V.Jakovlev’s coll.”]. Besides, there are a very similar pair of males (17.5mm and 20mm) without Jakovlev’s labels, but with the geographical labels in Russian [“N-W Mongolia, 20.VI-7.VII.1894, Clemenz” and “N-W Mongolia, 9.VII-10.VIII.1894, Clemenz”]. Any way all these specimens look like members of one population.
The syntype series does not allow to identify exactly its geographical origine, as very similar specimens (collection of Zoological Museum, St.- Petersburg) are known from very wide area (from Dzabkhan River Valley in the north part of Gobi-Altai aimak, to Ushugin-Obo Mt. in the east part of Uver- Khangai aimak. Besides, I’ve got similar specimens from near Beger in the east part of Gobi-Altai aimak.
The syntypes of Eodorcadion gorbunovi intermedium do not possess any character, which could distinguish E. intermedium as a species from E. mongolicum. In general elytral and thoracic punctuation and design are same. The locality of E. intermedium is situated at the south part of E. mongolicum area. So, E. intermedium = E. mongolicum.
E. kaszabi was described from two localities: Bogd environs in Bain- Khongor aimak and Khovd environs in Uver-Khangai aimak. Both localities are inside the area of E. intermedium. The original description is equipped with photographs of a male and a female, besides I’ve studied a syntype female in Heyrovsky collection in Prague Narodni Museum. The specimens used by Heyrovsky for his description are nearly identical to syntypes of E. mongolicum. So, E. intermedium = E. mongolicum = = E. kaszabi. Heyrovsky did not compare his new species with any other species, but mentioned: “Dem E. ornatum Fald. nahestehend,” which was totally out of the reality.
All localities, mentined above, are situtated westwards from 103°E. So, I accept the area of the nonimative form as the western half of the species area.
Synonym: Eodorcadion mongolicum