Alterative |
Gradually restores normal health. |
Analgesic |
A herb or substance that provides relief from pain. |
Anthelmintic |
Destroys or dispels parasites from the digestive system. (synonym: antiparasitic) |
Anti-Inflammatory |
Helps the body control inflammation. |
Antibacterial |
Destroys bacteria or suppresses their growth or their ability to reproduce. (synonym: antimicrobial) |
Anticatarrhal |
Herbs that help the body to remove excess mucous from the body. |
Antioxidant |
Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation. |
Antiscorbutic |
A medicine that prevents or cures scurvy. |
Antiseptic |
Slow or inhibit the growth of infectious microorganisms |
Antispasmotic |
Suppresses muscle spasms. |
Aphrodisiac |
An herb or substance that increases sexual desire. |
Astringent |
Shrinks or constricts body tissues. |
Bitter tonic |
Stimulates the appetite and improves digestion. |
Cardiac tonic |
Herbs or remedies that have an overall beneficial action on the heart and circulatory system. |
Carminative |
Relieves flatulence. |
Demulcent |
Relieves irritation of the mucous membranes in the mouth. |
Diaphoretic |
An agent that promotes or induces perspiration or sweating. |
Diuretic |
Promotes the production of urine. |
Emetic |
A medicine that induces nausea and vomiting (especially in cases of drug overdose or poisoning). |
Emmenagogue |
Stimulates blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus; some stimulate menstruation. |
Emollient |
Keeps the skin moist and flexible, helping to prevent cracks. |
Expectorant |
Increases the bronchial secretion and help clear mucus from the lungs. |
Febrifuge |
Reduces fever. (synonym: antipyretic) |
Laxative |
Loosens stools and increases bowel movements. (synonym: purgative) |
Nervine |
A nervine is a plant remedy that has a beneficial effect upon the nervous system. |
Sedative |
Induces sedation by reducing irritability or excitement. |
Stimulant |
Raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body. |
Tonic |
Invigorates or strengthens. |
Vulnerary |
Promotes the healing of wounds. |