Genus species: Echinacea purpurea
Series: Botanical Gardens (Netherlands 2017)
Catalog codes:
- Michel: NL 3584
- Yvert et Tellier: NL 3517
- NVPH: NL 3525
Emmission: Commemorative
Perforation: 12¾ x 13¼
Printing: Offset lithography
Size: 25 x 36mm
Colors: Multicolor
Face value: 1º - No Face Value
Description: Issued stamp price 2017 € 0.78 - Printed by Enschedé
Print run: 130,000
Botanical gardens have a rich history. They used to belong to universities. It used to be where research was conducted on medicinal uses for plants; later that expanded to include biology research. Most botanical gardens specialize in certain types of plants. For example, an arboretum is a botanical garden with trees only. A pinetum is a plantation of conifers. Over time, most botanical gardens have added other activities, including displaying their collections to interested visitors and conserving types of endangered plant species. The Netherlands has over thirty botanical gardens, most of which are members of The Dutch Foundation of Botanical Gardens (NVBT). The NVBT has proclaimed 2017 the Year of the Botanical Gardens.
The stamps on the new Botanical Gardens in the Netherlands sheetlet feature images of special plants and trees from botanical gardens in the Netherlands. Each stamp has a horizontal line dividing it in half. The larger square section has a floating image of the plant or tree in question at the centre. To the right of this larger section, the value denomination 1 is shown vertically, along with the title of the stamp sheetlet. The smaller rectangular section features the Latin name of the plant or tree, with the denomination ‘Nederland 2017’ and the value indicator. Each horizontal line has a white circle in the middle, showing the seed of the plant or tree. The tabs next to the stamps show the Dutch name of the plant or tree, with the name and location of the botanical garden. The backdrop of the stamp sheetlet is a blown-up image of a leaf with fine branched veins. The veins run over the tabs and over the left and right sheet edge. The font used for the typography is PMN Caecilia, an extensive family of serif letters by Peter Matthias Noordzij from 1991.
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