Genus species:
Castanea dentata
Common name:
American chestnut
Castanea dentata
Common name:
American chestnut
Genus species:
Castanea dentata
Common name:
American chestnut
Castanea dentata
Common name:
American chestnut
Genus species:
Castanea dentata
Common name:
American chestnut
Castanea dentata
Common name:
American chestnut
Toothed: May be coarsely dentate, having large teeth, or glandular dentate, having teeth which bear glands
Reference: Wikipedia
Other Leaf Margin Types
- ciliate: with fine hairs
- crenate: rounded teeth
- dentate: with symmetrical teeth
- denticulate: with fine dentition
- doubly serrate: serrate with sub-teeth
- entire: even, smooth throughout
- lobate: indented, not to midline
- serrate: teeth forward-pointing
- serrulate: with fine serration
- sinuate: wave-like indentations
- spiny: with sharp stiff points
- undulate: widely wavy